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High power handling microporous pyramid absorbers

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High power handling microporous pyramid absorbers can support inside and outside ventilation circulation, which would further improve the power handling capacity of such absorbers; it is mainly applied in high power shield cabinet, ventilation vents of anechoic chambers, and etc.

Reflection loss under vertical incidence (-dB @ GHz)
3690 - High power handling pyramid absorbers
  • Good flame retardant characteristics, it won’t burn when it encounters fire, it has oxygen index ≥ 60% and flame retardant B1 level.
  • Good power handling property, power handling under forced air cooling (continuous wave) can  be up to 8-10kW/m2.
  • It uses keel mounting method, without any adhesive.

High power handling microporous pyramid absorbers technical drawing

Product specification and part numbers
Part number Base size (mm x mm) Pyramid quantity
per unit
Unit size A x C x B
(mm x mm x mm)
Standard weight kg/m2)
3690-300 600 x 600 64 300 x 60 x 50 13
3690-500 64 500 x 60 x 76 19
3690-690 36 690 x 80 x 90 20
3690-1000 16 1000 x 123 x 160 26

Reflection loss / Shielding performance
Part number Reflection loss under vertical incidence (-dB @ GHz) Power handing capacity kW/m2 (at room temperature)
0.08 0.3 0.5 1 3 6 10 18 40 100
3690-300     25 35 40 50 50 50 50 45 3
3690-500   20 30 40 45 50 50 50 50 45 4
3690-690 8 25 35 40 50 50 50 50 50 45 5
3690-1000 11 30 40 45 50 50 50 50 50 45 5
These values are measured under laboratory conditions.
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